The large manuscript holdings of the Eisenhower Presidential Library have traditionally been the preserve of the historian or political scientist. However, the international nature of much of the Library's manuscript holdings also makes them a potential resource for the foreign language teacher. Students examining actual documents in a presidential library gain an awareness and an appreciation of the real-world applicability of foreign language study.

This guide provides a selection of research projects that can be assigned to foreign language students on a field trip to the Eisenhower Presidential Library. Most often, projects can be completed during a one-day trip to the Library, while a few would ideally require outside reading in preparation. Most of the projects included in the guide relate to the politics, recent history, and culture of foreign speaking countries. Highlighted entries contain foreign language material.

Teachers wishing additional information or to arrange a research field trip should call us at 785-263-6700 (toll free 877-RING IKE) or email us.

French Language Guide

German Language Guide

Spanish Language Guide

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