This selection of documents was declassified 10/1/16 - 9/30/17 and includes materials declassified in part as well as those declassified in their entirety.
National Security • NATO • Taiwan • Intelligence Briefings • Suez • Atomic Energy •
Military Programs • Soviet Defector Reports • Communist Party USA
National Security
Memo from National Security Resources Board to National Security Council re Organized and Coordinated Program of Covert Preclusive Buying, February 8, 1952 [NSC Staff Papers, Disaster File, Box 27, Economic Defense 1952 (1)]
National Security Resources Board Draft – Analysis of Possible US Objectives and Courses of Action with Respect to the Initiation of an Organized and Coordinated Program of Covert Preclusive Buying with purpose of denying strategic materials to the Soviet Bloc, January 25, 1952 [NSC Staff Papers, Disaster File, Box 27, Economic Defense 1952 (1)] [Document consists of 50 pages, please contact an archivist to order a copy.]
Staff Notes No. 391, July 14, 1958 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 34, Toner Notes July 1958]
Staff Notes No. 392, July 153, 1958 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 34, Toner Notes July 1958]
Staff Notes No. 393, July 21, 1958 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 34, Toner Notes July 1958]
Staff Notes No. 395, July 23, 1958 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 34, Toner Notes July 1958]
Supplement to Staff Notes No. 423, September 16, 1958 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 36, Toner Notes September 1958]
Staff Notes No. 428, September 24, 1958 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 36, Toner Notes September 1958]
Staff Notes No. 431, September 30, 1958 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 36, Toner Notes September 1958]
Staff Notes No. 725, February 16, 1960 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 47, Toner Notes February 1960]
Supplement to Staff Notes No. 725, February 18, 1960 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 47, Toner Notes February 1960]
Memo of conference with the President, October 2, 1956 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 19, October 1956 Diary—Staff Memo]
MFR re meeting between Ambassador Alessandrini and General Norstad re Austria [Lauris Norstad Papers, Subject Series, Box 104, Memorandum for Record 1957-1958-1959 (8)]
Memo on conversation between South African Minister of Defense and General Norstad re Middle East/South Africa, September 11, 1957 [Lauris Norstad Papers, Subject Series, Box 104, Memorandum for Record 1957-1958-1959 (8)]
Memo re meeting between General Tunaboylu and General Norstad re delivery of equipment to Turkey, September 18, 1957 [Lauris Norstad Papers, Subject Series, Box 104, Memorandum for Record 1957-1958-1959 (8)]
State Department telegram re U.S. position on MRBMs, March 23, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, International Trips and Meetings Series, Box 5, NATO (3)]
State Department telegram re U.S. position on NATO MRBM program, March 23, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, International Trips and Meetings Series, Box 5, NATO (3)]
Message from DA to CINCUSAREUR re nuclear weapons employment within US Army units in Europe, August 1962 [Lauris Norstad Papers, Subject Series, Box 97, Atomic Nuclear Policy 1960-1962 (1)]
Memo to Berding from Bundy re Intensified Use of Formosa Facilities for Psychological Operations, October 22, 1953 [Records of the National Security Council Staff, PSB Central Files, Box 11, PSB 091 Formosa]
Memo for C.D. Jackson re Intensified Use of Formosa Facilities for Psychological Operations, October 22, 1953 [Records of the National Security Council Staff, PSB Central Files, Box 11, PSB 091 Formosa]
Intelligence Briefings
Synopsis of State and Intelligence material to be reported to the President, July 27, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Briefing Notes, Vol. II (4)]
re USSR, August 10, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Briefing Notes (Sensitive) (7)]
re USSR, August 15, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Briefing Notes (Sensitive) (7)]
re USSR-Cuba, September 9, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Briefing Notes (Sensitive) (7)]
re Laos, December 13, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Briefing Notes (Sensitive) (7)]
re Laos and Congo, December 19, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Briefing Notes (Sensitive) (7)]
re USSR, December 28, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Briefing Notes (Sensitive) (7)]
re Laos, January 10, 1961 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Briefing Notes (Sensitive) (7)]
re Laos, January 4, 1961 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Briefing Notes (Sensitive) (7)]
MFR re White House meeting to discuss the Suez situation, August 13, 1956 [Records of the Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, Special Assistant Series, Subject Subseries, Box 9, Suez Canal]
Atomic Energy
Memo from John McCone to Christian Herter re atomic energy matters, February 4, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary Records, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 3, Atomic Energy Commission Vol. III (1)]
Military Programs
Defense Submission to OCB Working Group on NSC 125/2 and 125/6 – Japan – For OCB Progress Report, April 16, 1954 [Records of the National Security Council Staff, OCB Central Files Series, Box 46, OCB 091 Japan File #1 (3)]
Department of Defense Progress Report to National Security Council on Status of Military Continental U.S. Defense Programs as of 1 June 1954 [Records of the National Security Council Staff, Disaster File, Box 23, Continental Defense 1954 (6)] [This is a 38-page partially declassified document. Please contact an archivist to order a copy.]
Department of Defense Progress Report to National Security Council on Status of Military Continental U.S. Defense Programs as of 1 November 1954, with Annex [Records of the National Security Council Staff, Disaster File, Box 23, Continental Defense 1954 (10)] [This is a 77-page partially declassified report and annex. Please contact an archivist to order a copy.
Department of Defense Progress Report to National Security Council on Status of Military Continental U.S. Defense Programs as of 15 April 1955 [Records of the National Security Council Staff, Disaster File, Box 23, Continental Defense 1955-56 (2)] [This is a 62-page partially declassified document. Please contact an archivist to order a copy.]
Memo of conference with the president, Twining, White, Lemnitzer, Burke, Pate and Goodpaster, January 20, 1960 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 45, Staff Notes-Nov. 1959 (2)]
Soviet Defector Reports
Letter from C.D. Jackson to Amb. Henry Lodge re reports on Soviet defectors, April 21, 1953 [C.D. Jackson Records, Box 4, Lodge Amb. Henry Cabot]
Information and Excerpts from Soviet Defector Interrogation Reports (Sponge Reports), 1950-1953 [C.D. Jackson Records, Box 4, Lodge Amb. Henry Cabot]
Communist Party USA
Current intelligence analysis of Communist Party USA from J. Edgar Hoover to Gordon Gray, June-September 1958 [WHO, Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, FBI Series, Box 5, Current Intelligence Analysis 1958 (1)]